On 20Th December-2022 A workshop on Intellectual Property Rights was organized from 10.00am-11.30am.The Expert in the Area of IPR, Mr.Vinayak Gogate was welcomed and felicitated by Dr.Mihika Kulkarni, event co-ordinator.Mr.Vinayak Gogate-Graduated from College of Engg Pune (COEP) with B E (Mechanical) in 1989.Stood 3rd in the merit. Opted for voluntary retirement from Tata Motors from the Post of (Asst Gen.Manager). Vehicle crash safety, Accident Research, Regulations, Intellectual Property Rights these were the areas of work. Applied 11 inventions for patent out of which 10 have been granted patents which include one each by US & UK. Facilitated patent applications for about 50 patents for the Tata Motors. Published 6 research papers on Vehicle safety in various international symposia. Represented SIAM (SIAM – Society of Indian Automotive Manufacturers) in various crash safety regulatory panels and part of publishing 27 Indian Standards. Represented India at UN, Geneva for the initiative Globalization of Crash Safety Regulations (UNECE – GRSP) for 7 consecutive times. Toured USA, Australia, Japan, China, Germany, Netherlands, UK, Switzerland for professional reasons.
The students from MBA senior and Junior Batches attended the workshop. The students found the session very interesting. The students asked many questions related to IPR. Mr. Vinayak Gogate was more than happy to answer the queries. The session was conducted in HNIMR Auditorium.