Report on Vedic day
This year on 21st June HNIMR celebrated a Vedic day. It was celebrated to spread awareness, and promote and revive ancient Indian knowledge. The day essentially speaks of the importance of learning and knowing it. Sanskrit is the mother of all Indian languages and the first among the ancient languages spoken in India. So on this day, various Sanskrit shlokas were recited by students. Some groups perform a dance in which they show Mahabharata and Kurukshetra.It was an amazing performance. Some groups of students presented skits on traditional practices which have to change, Also they perform on humorous skits like Bindi. Some students made a presentation on how Kautilya Arthshastra is beneficial, and some presented management lessons from Ramayana, Kuran, Bible, and Mahabharata. Some recited various adhya from Gita, One group presented on Jain dharma traditions. One group has performed on shiv tandav. Some Girls recite atharvashirsh.
The whole day was full of knowledge and heritage. Students could learn various aspects of Indian ancient knowledge and traditions.. Senior students were presented on this day and MBA junior students and teaching, as well as nonteaching members, were the audience for this day. It was really a spiritual feast for our students and faculty members.