Teaching Methodology

The changes in the field of business has paved way for customising  the Teaching Learning Process. The Teaching Learning approach of the Institute is purely focused on Student centric methods.

During COVID times moving ahead with online teaching and thus framing the CCE’s in accordance with that have been the most challenging task to be accomplished. The platform of Google meet, Google classroom and the Google suite was successfully incorporated to make the online mode efficient. Though the students were online, but initiatives were made for their participation in activity, events, sessions, workshops, certificate courses.

After going through the challenging years of COVID we once again came back to the regular and offline classroom teaching structure of implementing Teaching Learning Process at HNIMR. 

Experiential Learning Approach: Helping students to have a real life/hand on experience of the different attributes used in Organizations. Such learnings are provided through handling Industry Internships, Industry visits, Consultancy Projects, Management Games, Gamification, Summer Internship Programs caters to face the real challenges of the work environment. Encourage students to write and publish Research papers for varied Conferences, having the Summer Internship Competition.

Grooming Sessions are conducted which facilitates the students in enhancing the Aptitude, Attitude, Communication Skills, Interview Technique Skills, Group Discussion Skills.

Participative Learning Approach: Such approaches are a means to encourage students in their participation to learn from each other’s ideas & share experiences in a collaborative manner generating Peer Learning. During the National /International Conference organized by the Institute through Hybrid and online mode the students were encouraged to contribute through research papers with faculties or peers and the relevant papers were published in UGC care listed Journal.

Collaborative Learning is also inculcated through Workshops, guest lecture sessions and discussions, Role Play , Individual / Group Presentations, Group Discussions / Brainstorming sessions. Collaborations with Foreign Universities during the Conferences also substantiates the learning process for our students.

Institute also organizes varied cocurricular/extracurricular activities and thus follows the policy of coordination and conduction of every activity by the students. Teams of students take care of various aspects of the event as coordination with the resource persons, venue management, stage decoration, anchoring, catering arrangements etc. thus developing stage confidence, public speaking, soft skills, team building, leadership, etc.

Problem Solving Approach: It inculcates a dimension of critical thinking and application of logical reasoning to the pursuit and providing solutions to various Problems. Internship programmes, Certificate programmes, MOOC courses, Business Plans (Carpe Diem Business Plan Competition in association with IIM), Poster/Model Making and presentation competitions, Video Presentation, Review of Articles/ video clips , Book Review and its presentation .

To cater to all the necessary approaches of Pedagogy, the Institute has provided necessary hardware and software to equip classrooms and labs with ICT facilities. Desktop computers, laptop computers, portable audio systems, LCD and screens have been procured. Faculty members make use of various teaching aids, Internet connectivity, e-learning sites, e – resources. The availability of Swayam, NDL, NPTEL and other resources have been only made possible due to the ICT culture at HNIMR. The respective faculties use ICT mode to design, implement and evaluate the CCE’s of all the assignments to the students.