Kaleidoscope event was organized by HNIMR from 17th December 2022 to 23rd December 2022. The 2nd Day of the event (19th December 2022) was Poster Presentation and Book Review Competition.
The main objectives of Poster Presentation and Book Review Competition were to make students read relevant books in management and allied areas and also give an exposure to writing their understanding of the book they have read. Students groups were formed. Each group chose one book of their choice. They prepared Model, Poster, Power Point Presentation and wrote a review of the Book. Management Lessons learnt was the most important aspect of the activity. Prizes were declared to best group presentations. Best of the three and consolation prizes were declared at the end of the day. “Let’s talk money was the book that won first prize”. In addition prizes were distributed at the hands of Director Dr. Surya Ramdas and Chief Guests Mrs. Aruna Kulkarni and Mrs. Sarita Chitodkar.
Dr. Surya Ramdas, Director, HNIMR highlighted the importance of reading to build leadership, team work, planning and execution skills. Judges too appreciated the efforts and creativity of the students.
This event i.e Poster Presentation was coordinated by Librarian, Manjushree K Nawale with the support of Kaleidoscope core coordinators Dr. Arpita Singh and Dr. Sneha Arekar under the guidance of Director Dr. Surya Ramdas.