Report of Session on Grievance Handling

Resource Person :- Mr. Sharad Gangal

Date: 20/06/2022

Session on Grievance handling by Mr. Sharad Gangal HNIMR has organized a session on Grievance Handling to create awareness about the Grievance Handling mechanism. Grievance handling is one of the most important aspect of any organisation which exists. Sir explained the topic in detail in which he emphasized on certain aspects such as concept of grievance, Grievance starts with dissatisfaction and what the right process for handling grievance. He has also discussed the process in detail and the role of the authorities who are involved in the process. He also explained how to understand and identity your role in the process. He discussed has also discussed  real life case studies to make us understand how this works in real life and attributes required for effective Grievance handling. It was an interactive and informative session.

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