HNIMR & Shri. Siddhivinayak Mahila Mahavidyalaya had organized the two days international conference in association with Opole University of Technology, Poland on “Revisiting Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Business Management for 2030” on 9th and 10th June 2022. The conference started with the welcome speech by Dr. Surya Ramdas Madam, Director, HNIMR. Mrs. Vidyatai Kulkarni Madam, Vice-Chairman, MKSSS and Dr. PVS Shastri Sir, Secretary, MKSSS also welcomed the participants. It was followed by the welcome speech by the Guest of Honour Mr. Ketan Karkhanis Sir, (EVP & GM, Sales Cloud, Sunnyvale, California). Sir suggested to take care of the people who are with us. It was followed by the speech of Chief Guest Ms. Shanta Vallury Gandhi Madam, Head, HR, CSR & Internal Branding, Ratnakar Bank Ltd. Madam explained the Changing trends in leadership styles and how young MBA students should train themselves to meet these challenges. After that, Dr. Prashant N. Mamarde Sir, Conference Convener, HNIMR also welcomed the participants.
Technical session 1 was delivered by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fortwengel Sir and Mr. Takutaro Kimura Sir. Dr. Gerhard Fortwengel Sir is working at MPH University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany. Sir extended his Respect for Human Vulnerability, Personal Integrity and Health Care. After that, Mr. Takutaro Kimura Sir who is a board member of Infinite Growth Private Ltd., Japan expressed concern about Social issues and Challenges in Japan.
It was followed by the Technical session 2 conducted by Mr. Arjun Panchal Sir, Entrepreneur. Sir shared his exciting entrepreneurship journey with the participants.
Technical Session no. 3 was conducted by Mr. Dheeraj Agarwal Sir, Adv. Ashish Sonawane Sir and Mr. Rajendra Badadare Sir.
Mr. Dheeraj Agarwal Sir is a Co-founder of VSynergize Pune. Sir highlighted the importance of Spiritual Leadership for Business Excellence
Adv. Ashish Sonawane Sir is an Advocate, Intellectual Property Attorney, Mediatior, Cyber Technology and Privacy Professional. Sir explained the Journey of Digital Transformation.
Mr. Rajendra Badadare Sir is an Entrepreneur from USA. Sir told about the qualities required to transform our life’s journey from Good to Great.

Day 2 began with the Technical Session no. 1. Total nine participants were selected for presentation, who presented their research papers. Dr. Mihika Kulkarni Madam, head, Research Centre, HNIMR, Dr. Ashok Pawar Sir, Associate Professor, HNIMR, Dr. Sonali Parchure Madam, Associate Professor, HINMR and Dr. Jyoti Gaikwad Madam, Associate Professor, HINMR were the judges for this research paper presentation session.
It was followed by the Technical Session no. 2. Panel discussion was scheduled on the topic “Revisiting Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Business Management for 2030”. Mr. Sambhaji Chawale Sir, MD and CEO PRIMUS Techsystems Private Ltd., Mr. Atul Upadhyay Sir, Vice President – Operations, Pride Hotels Ltd., Dr. Shantam Shukla Sir, Strategic Consultant, Mr. Anil Menghrajani Sir, Strategic Consultant, Dr. Sonam Kapse Sir, CEO – Healthcare for Chamber of Commerce & Industries & Owner of Terrasinne Restaurant were the panellist for this session.

Valedictory Session was organised at the end of the conference. Dr. Abhay Jere Sir, Innovation Council Officer, Ministry of Education, GOI and Mrs. Varsha Pitre Madam, Director, Bank of America were the Chief Guest and Prof. Dr. Said Edaich Sir, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Regional Policy, University of Opole, Poland was the Guest of Honour for the session.
Dr. Abhay Jere Sir suggested that we should take due initiatives to regain the leadership position of our country.
Mrs. Varsha Pitre Madam shared the lessons from her career journey.
Prof. Dr. Said Edaich Sir stated that there is a need to focus on promoting the women entrepreneurship.
Mrs. Vidyatai Kulkarni Madam, Member – LMC, HNIMR and Dr. Sanhita Athawale Madam, Principal, Shri Siddhivinayak Mahila Mahavidyalaya were also present for the valedictory session.
The conference ended with the vote of thanks by Dr. Prashant N. Mamarde Sir, Conference Convener.
The conference was very useful and thought provocative which was coordinated by Dr. Prashant Mamarde Sir, Dr. Mihika Kulkarni Madam under the guidance of Dr. Kishor Desarde Sir, Chairman – LMC, HNIMR, Mrs. Vidyatai Kulkarni Madam, Member – LMC, HNIMR and Dr. Surya Ramdas Madam, Director, HNIMR.