The NEP 2020 Policy aims to offer high-quality education to students, enabling them to meet global challenges with a strong foundation rooted in indigenous knowledge. In line with the National Education Policy (NEP 2020) having the inception of Multidisciplinary approach in the curriculum, Smt. Hiraben Nanavati Institute of Management and research for women has initiated the following:

  1. Showcasing and felicitating “Women Achievers “—-as Role Models for the students.
  2. Symphony – Unity in Diversity.,
  3. Vedic Day Celebrations.
  4. Physical Fitness Initiatives – yoga, meditation, marathon, Zumba, sports tournament etc.
  5. Certificate course on Carbon Neutral Campus

Showcasing and felicitating Women Achievers from the society as Role Models for the students.– HNIMR Recognizes and felicitates chosen women from the Society as Women Achievers  who have made remarkable contribution to the welfare and wellbeing of society and showcase them as Role Models in front of students during their formative days. It inspires students and help to inculcate the feeling of social responsibility.

Symphony – Unity in Diversity .,

Showcasing the heritage and values of various Indian States and Territories through their demographic and cultural representations. A state wise cultural representation program was organized, wherein  group of around 10-12 students studied one state of India and represented it. During this cultural representation students covered the aspects like – culture, food, dressing, monuments, business, languages, uniqueness of state, tourism etc. of the state. Canvasing the G20 Nations Meet and their Business Orientations   ,

Multifaceted dimensions of the G20 including global economic, political, and cultural narratives, shaping the discussion on international cooperation, development, addressing a wide range of challenges from financial regulations and trade to climate change were the part of the activity.

Vedic Day Celebration: An initiative to create awareness about the ancient Indian mythology and invoke a sense of Indian tradition amongst students. An in-depth insight into spiritual, psychological, and behavioural knowledge of life management was instilled amongst the students.

 Physical Fitness Initiatives – yoga, meditation, Zumba, sports competitions etc.   Physical fitness is of utmost importance for all and everyone. HNIMR in line to that ,organised multiple activities – yoga, meditation, marathon, Zumba, sports competitions etc.  to develop the habit of Physical Fitness among the students.

Certificate Course on Carbon Neutral Campus

HNIMR, took active participation in ‘Carbon Neutral Campus (CNC)’, an idea initiated by Samuchit Enviro Tech, a member of Indian Network on Ethics and Climate Change (INECC) as well as Climate Collective Pune (CCP), as a means of kick-starting climate change discussion and climate action on educational and institutional campuses. HNIMR, seeing the need for this knowledge to be known, decided to take an initiative in the form of this project which, by trying to reduce climate change, also educated the students on this subject which will be very important in their future.

The choice-based credit system (CBCS) was implemented by the Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) in 2019. The Institution being affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University follows the syllabus as defined by the University. Hence, the Institute cannot register for the Academic Bank Credits (ABC) on National Academic Depository (NAD). SPPU has instructed the affiliated colleges to create an ABC id for students by registering at to store the academic credits earned by students from HEIs digitally. This allows students to choose their own learning routes to obtain a degree/diploma/certificate in a context with various entry and exit points as well as learning at any-time, anywhere, and at any level. Students have now registered with ABC id. The students are encouraged to join various courses given by recognised institutes to obtain credits.

Apart from the regular syllabus as prescribed by the university, the institute focuses on imparting content beyond the syllabus, wherein, the faculty members design the Add – On Programmes and Certificate Courses that are delivered to the contents with the current and relevant pedagogical approaches. They design con-current evaluation approaches to evaluate the knowledge imparted to the students. The faculty members are also involved in framing the syllabus of various courses for the affiliated University.

The Institution proposes to execute additional online courses apart from the SPPU syllabus, wherein students are given credits for the same. As mentioned above, the Institution designs contents that are over and above the syllabus by way of Certificate Courses related to skill upgradation. Such Online Courses eg. Advanced Excel, etc. were delivered to the students and academic credit were given for the same.

The Institution has also initiated the process of Internationalization of education by entering into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Opole University of Technology, Poland and Gori University, Georgia and organized an International Conference in association with them. The Institution proposes to create joint degree courses to enable credit transfer in association with the International University.