Approval and Affiliation

The Institute conducts MBA two year full time course. The Institute is approved by All India Council for Technical Education, DTE and Government of Maharashtra. It is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University for MBA and Ph.D. in Management.

HNIMR is accredited A+ Grade institute awarded by National Assessment and Accreditation Council of India in the year 2019.

Since the inception of the institute, HR department is one of the strongest in terms of the number of students opting for this stream and in terms of the number of faculty members contributing to strengthen it.
Human Resource (affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)) or Our MBA HR programme imparts knowledge and training in managing the workforce of the organization. It is known that every organisation has its unique set of values, visions, ideals, norms, working language, systems and methodology. The role of an HR professional is to develop and manage their company’s culture, hire best of the talents and retain them. It is clearly the time for a quantum leap in the HR field. HR professionals can support the transition by taking seriously the organizational pressure to change, helping to identify ways to measure the value delivered by HR, and conducting meaningful research related to all areas of human performance in tomorrow’s organization.
Hence the objective of the HR Department is to develop a proper role perception of human resource development in the global context by exposing the students to wide range of relevant areas and in turn increasing their employability. We try to develop professionalism among our students and prepare them to take on HR leadership positions across industries.
The Marketing Department (affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)) of any organization is the real face of that business, because it decides and creates value for customers. HNIMR – Marketing Department is not an exception to this. It is the reciprocal, social and entrepreneurial face of HNIMR. It not only gives interesting opportunities for students and faculty, but also opens access to real the marketing world through various curricular and extra curricular activities. Students receive regular classroom teaching through teaching tools like case studies, simulation exercises, interactive sessions, management games, live projects, field visits, shop floor sessions which help students become ready to explore corporate arena.
a consultancy firm owned by students and supported by faculty members, is an Initiative taken by Marketing Department to give hands on experience of various functions of marketing to students. EMS is passionate about innovative marketing solutions. It helps – a. Shaping the client’s business in today’s global competitive market b. Creating life-long relationship with relevant communities, prospect by prospect, customer by customer, conversation by conversation. c. Create a community of loyal customers through on-line, off-line, one way marketing communication that marketers are familiar with.
  • Marketing and Law
  • Marketing of financial services
  • Digital media management
  • Digital marketing
a. A glossary of all important concepts of Marketing.
b. Trekks and field visits for the year 2014-2015 are as follows
– Alpha laval – Saransh Advertising – Season Mall – Business standard – APMC (for Auction) – Sai television – Kesari Travells
Operations and Supply Chain Management (affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)) is a specialized and emerging body of knowledge that facilitates the process of value delivery by improving Quality, Productivity and Supply Chain cycle times and providing high quality products and services. In today’s fast growing business environment, a precise seamless operation is the key to gain an advantage over competition and achieve operational perfection. An ideal blend of technically trained personnel, farsighted management practices and leading edge knowledge empowers the organization with an extra edge over their domestic and international competitors. A sound knowledge of Operations Management is a weapon for managers who aspire to succeed in today’s competitive market.
The Institute offers Operations and Supply Chain Management specialization for students. This specialization empowers each Operations and Supply Chain student with sharp engineering and scientific capabilities along with smart business management disciplines. The Operations and Supply Chain curriculum deals with various topics such as Supply Chain Management, Production Planning and Control, Inventory Management, Six Sigma, Toyota Production System and Manufacturing Resources Planning. During innovative lecture series, the institute invites Operations experts from corporate world to share their real life industry experience and views about Operations and Supply Chain Management with students. The Operations and Supply Chain area at HNIMR focuses on process excellence from both intra-organizational and inter-organizational points of view.
Efficient Operations and Supply Chain Management brings value to organizations in terms of providing value to customers through better product and process design, quality assurance during manufacturing process and overall optimal resource utilization. It helps the organization to compete with Quality, Time, Product Variety and Volume variety. At HNIMR, we create Operation and Supply Chain Managers who are proficient at improving an organization’s operational performance by minimizing ‘defects’ in the manufacturing and service-related processes.
  • Online Lecture series on “ World Class Manufacturing” for MBA Operations Management students by Mr. Satish Prabhune on April 2020
  • Workshop on “ Six Sigma” for Operations Management students by Mr. Vinayak Dravid on 6th and 8th September 2018
  • Organized State level workshop on “Lean Management: An Operational efficiency tool” for the delegates and students on 16th Feb 2017.
  • Corporate interface session on “Introduction to Operations Management and it’s scope for MBA freshers” for the MBA Jr during MBA Pilot Study Programme on 30th July 2015 by corporates Mr. Satish Prabhune , Miss Shreea Banerjee and Mr. Surendra Desai
  • “Project Management session” by Miss Shreea Banerjee- Analyst Amdocs for Operations students
  • Industrial visit for MBA Operations students at Dynamics Logistics Ltd. Vishrantwadi Pune, on 9th March 2017.
  • “Supply Chain Management session” for the MBA Sr. Students by Supply Chain expert and consultant Mr. Vinayak Dravid on 16th October 2015.
  • “Productivity Management session” for the Operations Management Students by Mr. Soni S.C. on 28th August 2015.
  • Glossary Test (MBA Operations).
  • Developed a list of 75 titles for SIP for MBA Jrs.
  • Counseling of the students for selection of titles for SIPs and Dissertation.
  • Pre-Placement Mentoring of MBA Operations students.
Business Analytics is a new specialization introduced by Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) w.e.f. Academic year 2019-2020 as it is a need of an hour in the era of Industry 4.0. The foundation of any successful company is being able to give customers what they want whether it is a start-up or an established big player. Guesswork just isn’t enough to figure out and that’s why business analytics is needed. Business Analytics (BA) enables companies to know their users’ wants and needs. Due to globalization companies could not only focus on an interesting idea, good workers, and a strong sense of business. They need more as everything is much complicated than it once was. The world has always been ruled by data and it plays a vital role in this digital age and globalization. But just data is not sufficient, it needs appropriate processing that would generate valuable information and empower decision-making of the organization. MBA students today HR of tomorrow need to be explored to this area. As Business Analytics is an inevitable aspect of any business, the thorough knowledge with contemporary approach needs to be departed. HNIMR being keen to polish the skills and talents of its MBA students with respect to cotemporary practices in corporate and industry, focuses on training of Business Analytics with the same purview. HNIMR aims to enrich the knowledge of MBA students pursuing BA with the following objectives. Objectives:
HNIMR focuses on appropriate blend of corporate experts into teaching and learning to foster the collaborative learning environment and giving students a real-life experience. HNIMR organizes workshops, seminars, lectures series for collaborative activities with corporates. HNIMR signs MoUs with corporates for its concurrent connectivity. Opine Group the leading organization in BI and BA is one of such knowledge partner associated with HNIMR Activities Conducted:
Many more training activities would be added in coming years to prepare MBA students industry ready in the current Industry 4.0 era and Digital Age.