Effective use of NLP to Connect and Communicate

Five days Faculty Grooming Program, dated 2/8/2024, 3/08/2024, 9/08/2024, 13/08/2024 and 14/08/2024 was organised for HNIMR teaching staff. The title of this FDP was ‘Effective use of NLP to Connect and Communicate’ wherein the facilitator – Mrs.Prachi Gadgil, covered topics like

  1. NLP and its significance in our lives.
  2. Meaning of communication (Group conversation).
  3. V-A-K Modalities (Activity Based).
  4. Different Communication styles.
  5. Perspectives & Interpretations.
  6. MindYoga to understand and improve self talk (Experiential)
  7. NLP techniques for efficient communication (Experiential)

The programs focused on the science of human behavior, and emphasized on experiential, activity-based learning to help participants explore their highest potential. 18 staff members attended this FDP. It was indeed an informative FDP which was coordiated by Dr.Archana Pradhan under the guidance of Dr.Surya Ramdas – Director HNIMR.

Effective use of NLP to Connect and Communicate Effective use of NLP to Connect and Communicate Effective use of NLP to Connect and Communicate Effective use of NLP to Connect and Communicate Effective use of NLP to Connect and Communicate

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