Core Values
- Respect & Dignity
- Excellence
- Integrity & Honesty
- Diversity & Collaboration
- Accountability & Transparency
- Social Responsibility
- Demonstrate dignity and respect for everyone with focus on gender equality.
- Honor for exemplary contribution in different fields.
- Cooperation than competition with Value system and Trust.
- Maintaining harmony in all relationships for practices of justice and fairness.
- Appreciate, Recognize and support employees, students and all concerned stakeholders for their contributions.
- Working with devotion and self-less approach.
- Motivational and encouraging environment to set best practices.
- Participative role of all stakeholders in decision making process at all levels of management.
- Innovative approach by trying new ways of doing things differently.
- Striving for result-oriented actions and Zero defect work.
- Aligning goals and objectives with vision & mission of Parent Body and Nation.
- Nurturing Nation’s value system in line with globalization need.
- Putting efforts to synchronize principles, planning and actions.
- Encounter behaviour like unfair discrimination, harassment, bullying and/or abuse of power through set system like grievance etc.
- Sustainable collaborative relationship with all the stakeholders to achieve objectives and goals.
- Recognize, appreciate, and celebrate the strength of diversity.
- Ensure fair and equal access for all.
- Catering the needs of students, employees and other related stakeholders from different educational, economic and social background.
- Catering the needs of industry with diversity in design and development of curricular and co-curricular activities.
- Promoting Skill Development Programmes.
- Collaborative culture to enhance performance in association with Industry and other institutions in the society
- Abide by rules, regulations, polices & guidelines of the Institute.
- Define and communicate clearly articulated goals and objectives.
- Take responsibility for personal and professional growth and development.
- Implementation of polices for achieving set goals and objectives.
- Ensuring value-based system to balance the need of an individual along with the need of the greater community
- Demonstrate social responsibility to support mission of Parent Body and Institute.
- Commitment to promote social responsibility through community engagement to meet real social need.
- Exclusively working for empowerment of women through education.
- Green campus initiatives and projects of social importance and relevance.
- Participation of society through fund generation for needy girls being a “not for profit” Institution.