Online Business Quiz was organized for MBA students by HNIMR Library on 12th February 2025.This activity was conducted under NDLI Club in association with Business Standard Pvt. Ltd. It was a very informative and useful session for the students as they could participate in online quiz related to current topics in the world of business and management. After submission of Quiz, Business Standard announced top three winners among the participants who submitted the quiz. Total 73students participated in the Quiz. This quiz was conducted to enhance reading of business news among students so that they can be updated with latest happenings in the world of business and management.
Overall session was coordinated by Librarian Mrs. Manjushree Nawale with the help of faculty members Dr.Arpita Singh and Dr. Pranita Sonar and Library Staff Mrs. Minal Kotwal under the guidance of Director Dr. Surya Ramdas.