Dr. Priyanka Singh, Director, MKSSS HNIMR

Dr. Priyanka Singh

Dear Friends,

Women empowerment is completely based on women’s education. Bharat Ratna Maharshi Karve, the great social reformist in the field of women’s education started his movement in 1896 with the school for widows; Indeed it was unprecedented step taken by him with a great vision. He devoted his entire life for Women’s Education.

Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha (MKSSS) spread over in 62 educational and other units including institutions imparting professional education like Cummins Engineering college, Bhanuben Nanavati Architecture college, School of Fashion Technology and Smt. Hiraben Nanavati Institute of Management and Research for Women (HNIMR).
HNIMR is a flagship of Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha.
We live in dynamic age of Globalization. Changing paradigms of business have fueled a new thinking in our management education system. There is a keen need to adopt necessary changes in our conventional view of management education and to train our new generation with capabilities of cross culture professional knowledge which enables them to contribute in the development of our country.
The aim of HNIMR is to develop Professional Women Managers for the overall National Development.