Director, HNIMR, Dr. Surya Ramdas Felicitating the Judge, Dr. Mamta Mishra. The Kaleidoscope 2023 – A weeklong Event was organized by the Institute.

The SIP based competition started from 10.30am. There were 5 participants from Various Colleges in the city. The participants presented their SIP work in form of the PowerPoint Presentations along with the executive summary. The Judge for the competition was Dr.Mamta Mishra. Dr. Mamta is a keen learner, an innovative teacher, a trainer and a mentor. She is a Ph.D. Guide. She is Head of the Management Department at Sinh gad College of Engineering. She has more than 20 years

Director, HNIMR, Dr. Surya Ramdas Addressing the Participants and the auThe Competition was conducted as Inter Collegiate competition where the students from various colleges participated while in the Intra Collegiate The students were given 15 Minutes time. After 10 minutes the warning bell was given and after 15 minutes the final bell rang which was followed by the Questions  and Answers Session. Dr. Mamta Mishra asked various question focusing on outcomes and research methodology. The competition saw very nice projects and it was very tough for the judge to declare the results.

Ms.Aditi Kurlekar from Modern Institute of Management Stood first, Ms.Aparna stood second and Mr.Shubham Deo from IMERT secured the 3rd Position.

Respected Director Dr.Surya Ramdas Addressed the students at the end of the Day. Dr.Surya Ramdas and Dr. Mamta Mishra.  gave away the prizes which constitute of cash prizes and a Trophy.


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